Sunday, March 15, 2009

Students and politics

When we were in SCSS, we were always -ve towards the politics and always said with pride that we dont want politics in our center. It was always condemnable to participate in any activities related to politics. Now out of SCSS for more than 4 years, I feel how childish my attitude was.

The views presented here are for country but i hope they hold good for campus as well. When we choose our leaders, we basically choose our future as the polity of country depends on the leaders, we choose. By being less interested in choosing the politicians we are doing our harm only as we are not choosing the right person. Knowing them and their ideology is also very important for us, otherwise we will keep wasting our vote, the biggest right for a citizen in democratic country.

I know this post will get many reaction comments and i welcome all for the same. At the same time i also request to all of you to cast ur vote ( if u need to take a leave , plz take ) for ur future.

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